Soundclub Mission to Connect Fans with the Vibe They Need

November 01, 2022
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We are the social platform for live music experiences. We help you discover them and connect with the vibe you need.

Whatever makes fans feel limitless – that’s the vibe we want to connect them with. In a world where we’re bombarded with constant stimuli, we need something to help us cut through the white noise to find out what frequency we’re on. Whatever fans like, wherever they are, we’re committed to helping them find what suits them.

The vibe you need is all about making the right connections. In a world where we’ve recently been more divided than ever, we know how important it is to feel like you’re part of something. We also know this is the feeling music experiences give us. They’re made of so much more than the songs we listen to. That’s why we do live music; lives colliding; living, breathing, heart-racing experiences that forge vibe connections which can last for a night or a lifetime.

Music experiences are all about community. We want to help fans become part of something bigger than themselves. We’re here to help fans find their vibe because finding your vibe is about finding yourself.


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