World’s Most Advanced Spatial Audio System to Launch in London

March 24, 2023
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The world’s most advanced spatial sound system will debut this April in London. Translating into a month-long of sonic-focused events, the listening experiences are a collaboration between experimental music cooperative 33-33 and Amsterdam-based sound studio 4DSOUND

4DSOUND’s team will install a large-scale speaker array at London’s Stone Nest venue to create an omnidirectional, immersive sound environment. From listening experiences to daily sonic sessions, the event series will be held at the West End venue from April 21st to May 20th. 

© @4dsound / Instagram

International musicians and composers like Kali Malone, Max Cooper, and Grand River will perform live experiential shows.

The audio experiences also include the Diffusion event series, which will showcase exclusive compositions written specifically for the sound system by Thomas Ankersmit and Bendik Giske.  

Beyond the killer lineup, the 4DSOUND London programming will conclude with open-call workshops. UK-based artists, composers, and producers are invited to experiment with the new system during those sessions.

4DSOUND’s director Poul Holleman highlights the sound technology’s mission to deliver captivating listening experiences.

“For a decade we have been developing what we like to call spatial sound instruments; site-specific sound systems which are able to project sound holograms in a listening area, enabling artists to actually play the space as an instrument.”

Tickets for the audio-focused experiences are available to purchase here.


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