Pickpocketing was rampant at California’s Beyond Wonderland this weekend. In a now-viral TikTok video, a group of ravers found a backpack with dozens of stolen mobile phones at the music festival.
When the festival-goers stumbled upon the abandoned backpack, they opened it hoping to find any type of identification. Much to their surprise, the rucksack contained stolen iPhones.
The video sees other attendees frantically searching for their phone in the massive pile. Some of them were using their Apple Watch to detect their gadgets, while others said that they should report it to security.
According to the video’s author, the stolen phones were turned to the festival’s security right away.
Comments flooded the TikTok video, some highlighting that the pickpocketing issue was also present at Miami’s Ultra.
Most netizens gave attendees tips and tricks on how to keep their phones safe while festival-ing.
Some users suggested the good, old “keep your phone in your hand,” while others recommended getting phone straps and always locking the backpacks.
“They should start checking backpacks on the way out now,” one user said. “That way they won’t be able to walk away with backpacks of stolen phones.”