New Honolulu Bill Requires Nightlife Venues to Carry Narcan 

April 03, 2023
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© Hanson L / Shutterstock

Honolulu is set to introduce overdose reversal medication Narcan in nightlife venues to tackle Hawaii’s opioid crisis. The city’s council members are considering a bill requiring bars and nightclubs to carry naloxone spray, a drug that blocks the brain for the effects of opioids like heroin and fentanyl. 

If the bill is passed, nightlife businesses will be able to save lives in case of accidental overdoses.

Honolulu’s Bill 28 comes after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Narcan as an over-the-counter medication on Friday. 

Council member Tyler Dos Santos-Tam said the life-saving bill is about keeping the public safe and prevent accidental overdoses.

“Narcan saves lives. With the widespread proliferation of synthetic opioids in our community, it is more important than ever that we make this life-saving resource as accessible as possible.”

In a catastrophic 500% rise, Hawaii’s opioid overdoses skyrocketed in the past years. From 59 in 2017-2018, the number jumped to 274 in 2022, according to the state’s Department of Health. 


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