Live Music Experiences

We don’t do album drops
September 14, 2021
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Soundclub taps into the beating heart of live music experiences | © Colin Lloyd / Unsplash

Soundclub Mag is the magazine about live music experiences, beyond the artists. We help you discover them and connect with the vibe you need.

Think about all music as a ‘live music experience’.

Whether you’re listening in real time or from a recording, when you tune in and switch off from the world around you, everything you’re feeling is in the here and now.

Music experiences are about living in the moment – that’s why we’re so captivated by them. 

Nothing compares to that feeling when the beat drops and you go from a person to a part of the whole. When the crowd moves as one and you lose yourself among it or a tune takes you out of yourself and you forget where you are…

That’s when you feel like you’re living instead of just existing. 

That’s the feeling we want to capture at Soundclub Mag.

Don’t get us wrong, we love a hotly-anticipated single as much as the next mag. But it doesn’t get us fired up like the living, breathing real deal does. 

So why would we waste our time writing about it?

We prefer to think of music as an experience. 

You’ve got the prep time where you get in the zone. Then the performance itself and everything that goes into making it happen. Last comes the aftershock – the memories you take away and the way they impact you and the stories you tell for years to come.

We can’t encompass all that in a review of a pre-recorded song that’s the same every time we listen to it.

We let other magazines cover the album drops; we take the real-life stuff. 

Whatever you’re listening to, whoever you’re with, music experiences are transcendent. And we embrace that. 

They connect you with the people around you. They connect you with yourself. No other bodily sense has the power to make you feel so much, so intensely, in the space of a single moment.

If you know what we’re describing when we talk about that indescribable buzz, you’re the type of person we write about and for.

If you’re into live music experiences, you’re into us.


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