Jagermeister To Award Ideas That Can Improve Nightlife

The alcohol brand teamed up with Berlin club Tresor to save the dancefloor from industry challenges
August 29, 2022
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The nightlife experts panel that will asses and select the winning ideas | © @jagermeister / Instagram

German alcohol brand Jagermeister partnered with Berlin club Tresor to award innovative concepts aimed at improving the nightlife community.

As part of their #SAVETHENIGHT initiative, the two labels will pledge €50,000 to five ground-breaking ideas that can make nightlife a better place. 

According to the press release, Jagermeister and Tresor want to “gather impactful, community-driven and innovative ideas for rejuvenating nightlife across the globe.” All ideas must address issues threatening dancefloors and venues across the globe to create a more diverse, sustainable, and safe tomorrow night. 

Jagermeister’s #SAVETHENIGHT contest is shifting gears to fulfil its mission as a cure for COVID-19’s detrimental impact on the nightlife scene, which now translates into soaring gentrification and rapidly dying clubbing scene. 

Iconic Berlin hub Tresor will celebrate its 31st anniversary with a problem-solving nightlife panel | © @tresorberlin / Instagram

The selected ideas will be rolled out in 2023 after a panel of nightlife experts will assess their potential impact.

Iconic creatives such as international DJ and activist Sarah Farina, Tresor founder Dimitri Hegemann and deadHype founder Bernard Koomson are just some of the panel names.

Nightlife creators, creatives and clubbing devotees who want to protect the integrity of the dancefloor can submit their ideas from August 26th to 1st November. The winners will be announced on December 1st. You can submit your contest ideas on Jagermeister’s website

Renowned Berlin label and nightclub Tresor will also celebrate its 31st anniversary with a panel discussion on the most challenging issues that jeopardize international nightlife.


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